Healthier, happier you in 21 days.


Well21 is an approachable, 21 day wellness challenge to help us shed some bad habits and gain some good habits.


Beyond the physical health benefits, the psychological effect of this self-discipline will unlock exponential benefits for your future self.

Scroll down for How To Start, Rules, Resources, and more!


  1. Read the rules in the next section to get familiar.

  2. Dowload the Prep Guide and Tracking Sheet in the resources section so you can easily prepare and track your progress.

  3. Use the inspiration section below to get motivation and help.

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    Facebook Group


Click the + to expand explanations, tips and examples.

  • Explained: The national Academy Of Medicine suggest 13 cups of fluids for adult men and 9 cups for women. We get fluids from all drinks and even fruits and soups. So drink at least a 1/2 gallon of water per day to ensure you are never dehydrated.

    Why: Hydration is one of the single most important things for your health, and most people are severely dehydrated daily.

    Tips: 1/2 Gallon is 64 ounces, or 8 cups of water. It's best to use a jug that has the measurements like this to track. Otherwise you can use the tracking chart below to mark down how many cups you're drinking each day.

  • Explained: Unless necessary for work, do not open any social media app within 30 mins of waking or 30 mins before bed.

    Why: Most of us need to cut back our scrolling time. In the morning it’s important to get sunlight instead of blue light, and screen time right before bed affects our sleep.

    Tips: Don’t use social to wake up. Try to get up and go straight outside for a little sunlight, or just start being productive towards your morning routine. Whether it’s reading, journaling, or meditating, spend that time right before bed doing something other than scrolling.

  • Explained: Nothing deep fried. No french fries, no chicken tenders or fried wings. Look for baked alternatives.

    Why: Deep Fried Foods are calorie dense with saturated fats and usually not much other nutritional value. Plus the oils that most restaurants cook in are linked to a lot of longterm health issues. Fried foods are an easy way to cut out a lot of the bad stuff you’re eating when dining out or at home.

    Tips: You can make fries or crispy textured foods with an oven, air fryer, or by sautéing in olive oil.

  • Explained: Don’t eat or drink any high sugar dessert foods. This is anything over 15g of sugar per serving.

    Why: Sugar is linked to short and longterm health issues. It’s in everything and impossible to avoid altogether. But the easiest way to cut down is to cut out the obvious snacks and desserts that are packed with sugar.

    Tips: If you eat dessert often, the first few days are tough, but then you stop craving it as much. JUST DONT BUY OR ACCEPT DESSERTS IN YOUR HOUSE. If it’s not there, you won’t eat it. Look to fresh fruits and mildly sweet options to still enjoy your sweet tooth in moderation.

  • Explained: Every day you must do EITHER 20 mins of resistance training OR 40 mins of aerobic training.


    Resistance is weighted training that helps build muscle. Exercises with weights, bands, or body weight all count. These are workouts you would do at a gym, or in most group fitness classes available today.

    Aerobic are cardio based exercises that require more oxygen intake. Movements like running, swimming, cycling, playing sports or step aerobics.

    Why: Movement benefits our cardiovascular system, our bones, muscles and joints, our brain function, and has a positive impact on nearly every aspect of our human body.

    Tips: If you have a gym routine or class that you already like, then just commit to doing more of it. Picking up an aerobic activity for fun like swimming or jogging is an easy way to add in this movement. If exercise is new to you, we strongly recommend joining a class like orange theory, barrys bootcamp, or working with an online trainer like the ones in the inspiration section below.

  • Explained: Spend 15 mins each day towards learning a new skill or about a new subject matter. It’s best to pick 1 or 2 skills/subject to learn over the 21 days so you can make significant progress on something.

    Why: We stop learning as we get older, and we especially put off learning the things we’re interested in most. This will show you how in just 3 weeks you can become better at something that you find interesting!


    • Practice a language on a duo lingo.

    • Read a book or articles or watch videos on How to start a podcast, running paid ads, how to publish a book, gut health.

    • Take real or virtual classes for yoga, boxing, learning an instrument.


  1. Pick any start date. Then follow the 6 rules above for 21 consecutive days.

  2. Add a check mark in the tracking sheet for every rule you complete each day.

  3. This isn’t about perfection. It’s OK to miss a task. Your completion rate will be scored at the end, and anything over 94% is a win!

  4. Join our email and social communities to make this easier and more fun. Share your journey with #Well21 or tag to hold yourself accountable!

  5. Add up the checkmarks at the end and use our calculator to get your Crushed-It Score.

Info and Resources



Link to water bottles that help track hydration

Calculator to get your SCORE at the end!

This program is 100% FREE!! We just want to make wellness more accessible to more people. We know that by providing some guidelines, resources, and support, there's a chance that this can help people become healthier versions of themselves. If it helps just one person, then it's worth it for us!

**Everyone should consult with a doctor before taking any action towards their health. This program is designed for the average healthy human, and should not be taken as medical advice in any capacity. Wellious is not responsible for anything that occurs as a result of you following these guidelines.**


Exercise Resources

We’ll update this regularly!

Form - Digital workouts by Sami Clarke

MWH - Workouts and more by Melissa Wood Health

Y7 - Digital Yoga Classes

Balacize - Virtual workouts and aerobics by Bala

Home Workouts Pinterest Board

Nutrition Resources

Pinterest Board of recipes for fried food alternatives

Well21 Approved Snacks to avoid sugar:


Mid Day Squares

Meal One by KOH

Revol Snacks

Oat Hause

Accounts to Follow